lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Real Size Anime Figures OMG!!!

Maybe it can be a little bit scary but for a several years Anime Figures has been an obssesion so simply! JAPAN MAKE IT a reality!!! especialy with these anime figures real size. In 2007 Tokyo anime centre in akihabara showed and exhibition " FIGURES PARTY" of the beautiful anime characters fabricated by Paper Moon company,  including: Rei and Asuka of famous series Evangelion, Sakura of Sakura Wars, Aya of Ichigo 100% or Saber de Fate/Stay Night. Well if you ask for the price they're are between $ 7.000- $15.000 dollars. xDD well it's time to save money if you want a Rei ayanami real size in your bedroom. Today you can see them and more anime characters 8sakura card captors or astroboy) in this center in akihabara!! 


Talvéz sea un poco aterrador pero por algunos años las figuras de personajes han sido una obsesión y que se le ocurrió a Japón?? hacerlos realidad!! Tamaño real!. Todo empezó en el 2007 en una exhibición en el Tokyo Anime Centre en Akihabara! Fabricadas por empresa "Paper Moon" Centro Otaku por exelencia. El eventó se llamó "Figures Party" y reunió a las celebridades más grandes del mundo del anime como son: Rei y Asuka de Evangelion, Sakura de Sakura Wars, Aya de Ichigo 100%, Saber de fate Stay night. si se preguntan el precio estan oscilando los 7.000 y 15.000, 17.000 dólares!! xDD asi q si quieres tener a una Rei ayanami en tu cuarto es tiempo de ahorrar!! xD. El día de hoy pueden verlas a estas y a más personajes como Sakura card captors o astro boy en este centro ya mencionado.

Note: The Tokyo Anime Center (東京アニメセンター) is a permanent facility that has been created, to market anime to residents of Japan, as well as Western visitors. The facility will host regular events, live radio interviews with creators and voice actors, and merchandising fairs. It includes the AKIBA3DTheater. It dubs itself as "The definitive "spot" for anime entertainment!"
It is located on the fourth floor of the Akihabara UDX building, near JR Akihabara Station.
In 2007 many promotional displays for upcoming Evangelion movie were set up inside the Tokyo Anime Center including life size cardboard stand-ups of Rei Ayanami and interactive demos.
More permanent sections of the center contain merchandise from popular anime series, such as mugs, key chains, promotional fliers, mouse pads, etc.

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